Alpha Dental

How Do You Know if Your Tooth is Rotten?

Rotten Tooth and Tooth Replacement Treatment

Feel the real confidence in your smile! 

Rotting teeth can severely compromise oral health and lead to dental abscesses, tooth loss, and cavities. Most people are unaware of the signs of teeth decaying and end up with bad teeth and a quick dental visit.  

If you have any symptoms of tooth decay, schedule a quick call with Alpha Dental clinic Perth for an examination and treatment. In the meantime, learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of rotten teeth while you wait for your appointment.   

What Causes Rotten Teeth?  

“Rotten” is another word for a badly decayed tooth. Poor oral hygiene is one of the leading causes of tooth decay. Without regular dental cleanings, bacteria build up on your teeth and gums. 

 When bacteria consume sugars and starches in your food, they produce acids; then the enamel wears away, and bacteria and plaque enter the tooth and attack the softer dentin in the centre, eventually damaging the pulp. In the final stage of tooth decay, a severe infection in the pulp develops, which can spread to other parts of the body. 

What are the visible signs/symptoms of rotten teeth?

A cavity can form on your teeth without any signs or symptoms, so you must see your dentist regularly for check-ups and catch tooth decay in its earliest stages. However, you might notice some of these signs and symptoms as the decay worsens.  

Here are the top five symptoms that indicate your teeth are rotting:

1. Teeth have a black/ dark spot 

Dark spots on or over your teeth indicate that they are decaying. If you notice any discolouration, you should see a dentist as soon as possible. If left untreated, blackened teeth will cause decay to spread throughout a single tooth and may even spread to other teeth. The dentist will evaluate the situation and take the necessary steps to restore your teeth’ health. 

2. Bad breath 

Bad breath, or halitosis, is most commonly caused by an overgrown bacteria in the mouth. Halitosis is a major sign of decaying teeth. Bacteria isn’t just a threat to oral health but can also lead to other health risks. The discolouring of teeth is usually a sign of full pulp, dentin, or root damage. If you develop bad breath or notice odd odours coming from your mouth, make sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist. They will give you an examination and apply whatever’s needed to help correct the issue.

3. Hot/cold sensitivities 

Although it may come as a surprise, teeth suddenly sensitive to hot and cold temperatures are not necessarily an indicator of decayed teeth. However, it is a sign that there could be potential tooth decay present in your mouth. Our teeth are naturally coated in a protective layer called enamel which safeguards against the varying temperatures of the food and drinks we consume. Unfortunately, this enamel gradually wears down when we have rotten teeth – making our pearly whites much more susceptible to pain. Besides, you may also experience throbbing discomfort beyond temperature sensitivity.

4. Falling teeth 

Rot spreads from enamel to dentin and attacks the pulp, causing your teeth to loosen and eventually fall out. This condition can have a severe impact on your dental foundation and appearance. You should see your dentist as soon as possible to minimise the damage.

5. Different tooth size 

Noticing any changes in the size of your teeth indicates something is wrong, and you should frequently check your smile in the mirror as part of your oral hygiene routine. Changes usually occur because bacteria damage the outer layers of your teeth, which slowly decay before reaching the enamel. The damage then moves inward throughout your mouth, so it’s essential to be aware of these signs so you can nip any problems in the bud with the help of your dentist. 

The sooner you recognise any of these rotten tooth symptoms, the better! The earlier you treat tooth decay, the better the chances you can save your tooth. 

How Do You Prevent Rotten Teeth? 

You can easily prevent cavities by following these basic oral hygiene steps: 

  • To keep your teeth healthy, brush twice daily for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Make sure you floss between your teeth every day using an interdental device like floss or a water flosser.
  • Keep your oral health in good condition by visiting your dentist regularly.

Extensive decay and a broken tooth may require a root canal and a crown. Depending on the severity, the worst-case scenario is a tooth replacement with a dental implant restoration. If you are looking for the best tooth replacement dental clinic Perth, look no further than Alpha Dental!  

At Alpha Dental Clinic, we pride ourselves on being one of the best dental clinics in Perth. Our highly skilled and professional team of dental specialists offer a comprehensive range of patient-oriented services, such as general dentistry, affordable dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, veneers and teeth whitening. Whether it’s family dental care or an emergency, our philosophy is to provide a long-term dental plan that gives you the peace of mind that your dental health is in good hands. 


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