Alpha Dental

Say Goodbye to Teeth Grinding: Learn about the Causes, Prevention and Treatment of Bruxism

NIght Guard for Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is a condition where the patient grinds their teeth during sleep time. It can cause significant damage to your teeth and jaw over time. As a result, getting treatment for bruxism as soon as possible is essential. If you are experiencing tooth grinding at night, our team at Alpha Dental Clinic can help!  

Everything you need to know about bruxism  

Bruxism is a condition in which the grinding of teeth occurs during sleep. Common symptoms of bruxism include jaw pain and headaches. Still, if left untreated, it can lead to more severe problems such as damaged teeth, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, or even brain injury. Bruxism is a common problem, especially among children and young adults, because they tend to grind their teeth while they sleep due to stress or anxiety. It’s essential to seek treatment for this condition, so you don’t develop more severe issues later on in life! Bruxism can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition, so it is better to see your doctor if you experience frequent grinding of teeth.  

Causes of Bruxism 

There are numerous causes of bruxism, including stress, anxiety, depression and even some medications. Other causes include hormone imbalances or tooth sensitivity. Bruxism may also be a side effect of certain medical conditions such as temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ) or sleep apnea. 

Treatment for Bruxism 

While there are many treatments for bruxism, it is vital to seek treatment from a dentist who specialises in the condition. Your dentist can provide you with a custom-made mouth guard that can be worn at night while sleeping. This type of dental appliance helps prevent your teeth from grinding against each other while asleep so that they don’t break or become damaged. In some cases, a dentist may also recommend that you wear a mouth guard during the day. Your dentist can also give you tips on avoiding stress and anxiety so that it doesn’t trigger teeth grinding. If a medical condition causes bruxism, your doctor may prescribe medication to treat it. A sore jaw is also a sign of bruxism, as are headaches and migraines. Snoring can also be a symptom of bruxism. Bruxism can be treated with a night guard, which fits over your teeth and keeps them from coming into contact while you sleep.  

How to stop your teeth from grinding at night? 

A night guard may be the right solution if you’re struggling with teeth grinding at night.  

  • Use a night guard: A dental night guard is an appliance that protects your teeth from grinding and clenching during sleep. Night guards can be made from various materials, including acrylic, plastic or metal. Typically, they’re worn on the upper teeth only (though some people choose to wear both upper and lower). A custom-fitted mouthpiece worn in your mouth during sleep is designed to prevent excessive tooth wear and damage caused by grinding. The custom fit ensures that it does not dislodge when you move in your sleep. 
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques can help you fall asleep more quickly and reduce the time it takes to get back to sleep after waking up. These include meditation, breathing exercises, reading and listening to music. Avoid watching TV or using your phone before bed, as these activities can stimulate the brain and make it harder for you to relax. If you are stressed about something in particular, then try finding ways that will help reduce this stress, as well as making sure that when it comes time for bedtime, no noise or light is coming from other parts of your home (e.g., TV room) 
  • Reduce stress: Stress is a prevalent cause of bruxism, or teeth grinding. If you’re under a lot of stress, your body may unconsciously try to release it by grinding your teeth at night. Stress reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises and yoga can help reduce the amount of stress in your life and therefore help prevent grinding. If you feel like you are experiencing too much stress in your life and are worried about developing severe problems from grinding or clenching your jaw (jaw muscle spasms), talk with a dentist about ways that they might be able to help reduce some of these symptoms while they treat any underlying issues at the same time. 
  • Chew on something else: If you grind your teeth at night and find it difficult to stop, try chewing on something else. Chewing gum is a good alternative because it stimulates the salivary glands and keeps them working throughout the night, which helps prevent dry mouth. You can also chew on a toothbrush or straw, pen or pencil (no need for ink!), hard candy or even gum if it isn’t flavoured with mint or cinnamon–these flavours can irritate some people’s mouths when they’re trying to sleep. 
  • Wear your night guard while awake as well as overnight: One benefit of wearing your night guard during the day is that it helps acclimate you to wearing the device before bedtime so that when it comes time for you to use it at night, there won’t be any discomfort associated with getting used to it again after not having used one for so long! 
  • Wear your dental device for various reasons: -To reduce pain caused by grinding or clenching; -To prevent tooth damage due to excessive pressure on enamel over time; -To improve appearance by preventing chipping around edges where biting surfaces meet each other during grinding behaviours; 

Is night guard the right solution for you?  

A night guard could be the right solution if you grind your teeth at night. A night guard is a device that fits over your teeth while you sleep to protect them from tooth damage and other dental problems. It will also help you stop grinding by creating an obstacle between your upper and lower jawbones when they come together during sleep. A dentist or orthodontist can make a custom-fit mouthpiece that covers only the biting surface of each tooth (and not the crowns), so it doesn’t interfere with how well you chew food or speak during the day. The acrylic material used in these devices is comfortable enough that most people don’t even notice they’re wearing one unless they look in a mirror during waking hours. Some patients find them so comfortable that they forget about them entirely! Thus, night guards are an essential part of treating teeth grinding. Without them, it’s possible for your teeth to become damaged and your jaw muscles to be strained or injured by the constant clenching. We strongly recommend seeing a dentist if you suspect this could be happening to you or someone close to you.  

Book an appointment with Alpha Dental! 

Let’s connect with Alpha Dental Clinic for more information about custom-fitted night guards. If you’re interested in learning more about custom-fitted night guards, Alpha Dental Clinic is a leading provider of these services. Our team of dental professionals has the expertise to help you find the proper night guard for your needs and can provide you with a free consultation to determine if this treatment option is right for you.