Alpha Dental

The Hidden Costs Of Dental Tourism

Hidden cost of Dental Tourism

White sandy beaches, tropical warm waters, and 5-star resorts sounds like the perfect recovery destination after getting dental implants, but at what cost?

Over 10,000 Australians travel abroad to get dental work done each year, with many choosing Bali or Thailand as their ‘holiday’ destination.

Dental implant costs in Bali, Thailand, and Malaysia can sometimes be up to 70% cheaper, making it a lot more affordable when compared to dental implant costs in Perth.

Unfortunately, as appealing as a 2 week getaway to an exotic location with a $1000 for dental implants sounds, dental procedures completed abroad come with risk.

And with every risk comes an additional cost, are you prepared to pay more?

We evaluate the risks and costs involved with getting dental implants in destinations that offer dental work for cheaper than in Australia.


How much do dental implants cost in Bali?

Dental implants in Bali can start as low as $1000 and go up to around $1700 with various dental packages offering implants with or without the abutment and crown.

In comparison to those that are offered in Australia, prices can start anywhere from $3000 through to $11 000. When you look at those numbers, destinations such as Bali and Thailand suddenly become appealing choices.

However, it is important to remember that dental implant procedures aren’t just a one-off visit. It is a long-term process that can take up to 9 months to complete with multiple visits in between.

Health care rebates in Australia now make dental implants more affordable, so you might want to enquire about how much would be covered by your own insurance before seriously looking at going abroad.

The hidden costs of having your dental implants done there

Apart from the cost of the surgery and implants itself, you need to factor in the cost of your accommodation, airfares, food, drink, and your commute to and from the clinic.

You’ll also need to take time off work where you’ll probably end up using your two weeks of annual leave that you’ve been saving.

Hopefully, your procedure went well. Otherwise, you’ll be paying for another trip to Bali with all the additional costs mentioned above, as well as a $1000 for a brand new implant.

And this is just the beginning.

Several visits are required during the 9-month procedure to ensure that the implant is successfully integrating itself into the bone in a process called osseointegration.

And it’s not like you could spend the next 6-9 months in Bali, so you’d have to make a couple of return trips. Suddenly that $1000 has become $3000.

Again, this is providing the whole procedure went well.


What are some of the risks involved with getting dental implants done in Indonesia, Thailand or Malaysia?

1.Varying dental standards

One of the largest risks you take when seeking dental implants in Bali or Thailand is the level of medical standards required to complete this invasive surgery. What could go wrong?

2. Poor quality materials used for implants.

Poor quality materials can lead to failed implants, and if the materials used are not been approved by the TGA then your local practitioner might not be able to assist.

3. Teeth and jaw infections.

Varying health standards can lead to teeth and jaw infections, which will require you to go back to the clinic, maybe even restart the whole process – providing there is enough bone left.

4. Varying procedures.

Dental procedures vary from country to country. Dental implants must follow a strict timeline, rushing this process can result in failed implants, infections and bone loss.

Having your dental implants done at Alpha Dental means you are protected by organizations such as the Australian Dental Association, which ensures all our dental practitioners are qualified and registered.

Not to mention, you are also covered by your health insurance.

5. Lost in translation

English may be a widely spoken language in Bali, but attempting to communicate with all the technical terminology and jargon can be a difficult task. You run the risk of all your questions and concerns raised not being completely answered or understood.

Then there are your medical records.

While medical tour companies will send your medical records beforehand, if you choose to do this process alone, it can be difficult for foreign clinicians to access your records in Australia.


What happens if something goes wrong?

Let’s say you got your dental implants locally in Perth and unfortunately, something went wrong. You could simply call up the clinic, explain your discomfort and book an appointment immediately, you could probably even go into the clinic that day.

Now imagine, you’ve just got back from Bali after getting dental implants and you’re starting to experience some discomfort, who do you call? Most people aren’t going to jump back on a plane and fly back to Bali either.

The issue with dental infections is they don’t always appear straight away. Infections can develop slowly underneath a tooth and by the time you’ve noticed discolouration on the tooth or experience sore gums, the infection may have already been there for some time.

Treatment of an infection requires professional assistance to ensure your implant is safe, stable and that the infection does not spread.

While saving a whole heap of cash on a complex dental procedure may sound appealing at first, you might jeopardize your dental health not to mention your bank account if you have to travel again.


Dental Implants done right with Alpha Dental

Dental implants have the potential to last for more than 40 years.

Dental implants are an investment in your future health, it’s not a procedure you should be compromising on quality.

Having your dental implants carried out by Alpha Dental provides you with peace of mind knowing that your dental procedure adheres strictly to Australian Standards.

We don’t just provide a solution for the present, we offer a plan for your future by educating you on proper oral care, hygiene and maintenance to ensure your implants last a lifetime. We provide multiple payment plan options so you can manage the cost and know you are well taken care of.